The thrills and excitement gaming offers is never complete without the sound that accompanies the action as it unfolds. From the hoot to the boom; resounding clatters and reverberating commentation oozing out from the speakers, it’s always exciting to come back to the pads.

You don’t need to express how frustrating gaming without sound can be. We know the feeling, which is why we want to make sure you get your PC gaming audio setup right! Let’s talk about the different kinds of audio setups available for your gaming PC. Basically, there are four (4) connection modules for your PC gaming audio setup, they are; analog, SPDIF, HDMI, and USB.


The analog connection is perhaps the most common. You simply plug in your speaker to the green 3.5 mm audio port on your computer. Nevertheless, this setup mode is somewhat limited especially when you only have the analog stereo port on your PC.

SPDIF (Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format)

For games that are designed with virtual Dolby, DTS, or PCM audio, the SPDIF audio interface can be used to stream sound. You might not get audio sound from your games if your PC does not have the relevant software to process Dolby or DTS audio with this interface.


HDMIs are equipped to carry more sophisticated sound. Talk about good sound quality, you can get this easily by setting up your audio through this interface. There’s no need for any kind of encoding, it just brings the sound directly. However, your PC must be HDCP compliant for HDMI to work perfectly. Nevertheless, some games that have Wwise or Audiokinetic audio formats are not really compatible with HDMI and do come up with issues. This is where an analog connection is preferable to any other form of connection at times.


Most speakers come with USB connectors for easy sound processing. USBs are quite easy to use as you are only expected to plug them into the USB interface on your PC. Most gaming headsets with 5.1/7.1 capabilities come with USB. Another amazing thing about a USB connection for your PC gaming audio setup is that you don’t have to worry about pre-installed sound cards on your PC as all USB audio devices come with an external sound card for its specific usage. You can only run into issues if the external sound card present on your USB audio device does not have a particular sound format installed on it.

What to Consider When You Want to Set Up PC Audio for Gaming

  • Ensure speakers are either 2.1, 5.1, or 7.1. The ‘.1’ on the notation represents subwoofers which are a type of speaker output that dole out the quality bass sound. 
  • Check for speakers or headphones with USB connectors as they have external sound cards that can produce good sound.
  • Only go for digital speakers that are Dolby and PCM enabled.
  • What you find on most PC gaming devices are mostly the 3.5mm analog stereo input or USB connection. You can easily connect your speaker to your PC using these interfaces.
  • On your PC setting or control panel, locate the sound, and configure it to the desired output.

For the best gaming experience ever, check out some of our products

The 2.2M Gaming Headset

A digital gaming headset with a difference. Equipped to dole out the quality bass sound. It comes with both a USB interface for digital games and a 3.5mm stereo working interface for games with analog audio configurations. It’s the perfect ergonomic speaker you need to have for the best gaming experience.

Robotsky Camo Headset

Exquisitely designed for comfort, quality sound, and multi-usability, this headset is a must-buy for you. Not only is it high quality, it’s also equipped with a clear microphone for easy communication with other teammates for maximum pleasure. It’s compatible with your computer, Xbox, pads, PS 4, and your mobile phones.

The Hexagon Shaped Headset with Microphone

One of the best headsets for a high 7.1 surround capacity. It’s uniquely designed for gaming. It has an exceptional low bass sound, resounds with a trusted microphone for gaming pleasure, and excellent sound performance. It is compatible with PC, smartphones, and PS 4. 

Kotion Headset

Play games until dawn with the Kotion headset specifically built for the sole purpose of gaming. It has a driver diameter of 50mm, and a frequency range of 20KHZ. It comes with a USB and 3.5mm stereo interface. What’s also fascinating about this product is its ability to breathe light. Let it enhance your gaming experience. 

Led Cute Cat Bluetooth Headset

Here’s a product for our suave female gamers. It’s specially designed for excellent sound and elegance. Its Bluetooth features come with a USB and stereo interface. An additional plus, these headphones can double up as a cute accessory to complete your aesthetic.

With the boom also comes the buzz! For quality sounds like no other, comfortable gears and exquisite designs, buy one of our quality headsets for your pc gaming audio setup and let your ears tell you the difference. Visit our store today to find more audio gear suited for you.